
Tuesday, 19 March 2013


So as far as programming goes, we're about half way through the systems we need to implement and we've sorted out a few things that were bugging us like glitchy movement. We've also added a day/night cycle and some more lighting but there are still some kinks we need to work out with that stuff.

Our main focus at the moment has been starting on the story/level design and so far we've designed one level for one of the first areas.

Our next steps will be to add some more colour with a skybox and more area designs, basically flesh it out with a bit more variation.

We've decided that one of the first dungeons will be down a well/sewer type area as that will be easy to get to (just within the first town). We were thinking of quite a dark and claustrophobic feel to this dungeon to really differentiate it from the light open "Overworld" that you first experience.