Continent system
We are planning on separating the world into multiple continents each containing multiple towns and their own race of NPCs. They will also contain new guilds (explained below).
Animal Companion system
We wanted to include mounts in the game as well as certain quest objectives that caused companions (the common analogy was a lost cat) to follow you to a location. We thought maybe these two things could be combined together into a progressive pet system. You gain certain companions that will initially float around behind you or hang onto your back not actively fighting but giving buffs in certain stats etc. This pet will become your friend (note that BoT has a babel fish alike translation system installed into him that allows you to speak to animals) and will eventually fight for you. This new follower will eventually become large enough to fight for you. Since the pet is your equal you will have dialogues with it and can even wield it in combat. The mounts will be used to traverse the larger dungeon spaces and will come out of BoT's eye. The animal will transition between different forms - pet, follower and mount - so as to make it portable without locking it in a tiny ball with no fresh air.

Town Tier System
We wanted the town to be big and explorable but at the same time feel navigable without having to use a mini-map. To solve this we came up with a sort of tier system within the town. The town will be made up of large floating islands. Three (possibly) of these islands will contain the NPCs living space, one being the residential district, another the market district and the last containing the guild hall and services. All buildings will be enterable if not at the start then once you complete the town's dungeons. The town could contain errands that don't require travel into the dungeons but they will contain the dungeon entrances themselves. Your spaceship will also be accessed from the town platforms via Catapult. The guild hall is the central building in each town and decides what that town specialises in i.e. the guild of miners, blacksmiths and librarians. These guilds will have an overarching story line connecting them and their towns. On the same tier as the Guild hall will be three other buildings each giving different services. E.g. the Explorer's outpost could give you side quests.